"We do not remember days, we remember moments." – Cesare Pavese

25 Years Celebration as BCRTA Branch



‘25 Years’

As a Branch of the BCRTA 

Excerpt from the September 1991 BCRTA AGM report:

Our Current Lifetime Members

After several years of joint membership with Surrey and Delta, Langley has now formed its own branch of the retired teachers. We have been active for a year and are pleased with the participation of members at our luncheons, which are held at Carson’s Restaurant in Aldergrove on the second Tuesdays of February, May, September and November.

Our present executive is as follows: 

President - John McTaggart 

Vice-President - Leo Murray    

Secretary - Irene Coroon    

Treasurer - Syd Price

Phoning Committee Chairman - Roger Winter 

Membership Committee Chairman - Fran MacRae 

Sunshine - Bob McCubbin

The Langley Branch is offering a $200 scholarship to the schools this year, and we hope to increase that amount next year if our finances permit.

Respectfully submitted by IRENE COROON Secretary 

Richard Chell
Charles Cuthbert
Celia Dowding
June Goode
Hazel Harrower
Jean Hope
Eleanor Leblanc
Donna McTaggart (beneficiary)

 Harry McTaggart
Helen Murault
Dorscie Paterson
Joyce Robinson
Audrey Ross
Jean Ryley (beneficiary) 

Stella Scott
Les Seward
Mae Smith
Lucia Soares 

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