"We do not remember days, we remember moments." – Cesare Pavese


There were actually three East Langley Schools, built at different locations in 1885, 1892, and 1924. 

The first East Langley School was probably a log cabin building and, according to references in pioneer stories of the period, was located two miles south of the John Skea property on Coghlan Road (256). This would put it south of where the BCE railroad tracks crossed Coghlan. The last year that this school is mentioned in the BC Public Schools Report was 1891-2. The report noted that several teachers had taught there during the year: Miss Ada Williams until November, 1891; Duncan Welsh until December, 1891; Frank Canfield until June, 1892, with the present teacher being Mrs. Calista Gibson. The teacher's salary was $50 per month. In April, 1892, there were 12 pupils, 7 boys and 5 girls, although 17 had been enrolled during the year. Total expenditures for the year were $498.07. The school was listed as being closed during January, February, and part of March, 1892, but it is not clear why. 

The second East Langley School was 20 x 34 feet in size and was erected in 1892 on the high bluff at the top of Snake Hill on 80 Avenue. The boundaries for the school were redefined in 1892 and covered the territory from the Fraser River to 64 and from 264 (County Line) to 232 (Livingstone). Some of the pioneer families whose children attended the school were the Skeas, the Mclvers, the McLellans, the Knox family, the Wests, the Armstrongs, and the Spences. Miss Elsie Plaxton (later Mrs. Wark) taught at East Langley School from 1900 to 1903 and tells about it in her memoirs. Classes ranged from primary to high school entrance. She boarded with the Mclver family, who had four children in her class. She remembers one day hearing a terrific noise which turned out to be a land slide about thirty feet wide, a short distance from the school. Mrs Alice McKay remembers that the early school buses (pre-1924) ran up Snake Hill, but the children had to get out and walk. The school was closed in 1924 and sold to Mr. Roach who wanted it for a house, but it burned down after 1935. 

The third East Langley School was built on the flats in 1924, and the first teacher was Elizabeth McKay, who had taught at the second East Langley School. The school was closed for eight years from 1937 to 1945. The school re-opened in 1946 and operated until January, 1958, when the new Fort Langley Elementary was opened. The school re-opened in 1960 with Mrs. Lois Carlson as teacher of grades one, two, and three. In June, 1969, the last one-room school in the district closed for the final time. The school has now become a residence and modified somewhat in appearance. The owner has a flag pole in front of the building at 25612-84 Avenue (Gray Road)

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