Uplands Elementary School was opened in 1974 on 5 acres of land, as the expansion of Brookswood pushed existing schools to their limits. The school, located at 4471 - 207A Street, included eight classrooms along with a kitchen, gymnasium administration office, and library.
The first principal of Uplands School was Regional Principal Ron Price, whose office was in the Belmont Elementary School. The first resident principal was Harry McTaggart, who moved from Murrayville Elementary School and also administered Tillicum School.
One year after the school opened, the structure was increased by six more classrooms, washrooms, change areas, and a covered play area.
In 1980, as the school became inadequate for its population, four more classrooms were added, bringing the school up to its present size of eighteen classrooms.
Among the pupils enrolled at Uplands School are three classes of deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils. This regional program covers not only Langley, but also Surrey and Abbotsford as well. The program started as a Langley District vehicle to provide necessary education to children with hearing impairments and whose parents preferred to have their children closer to home than they would otherwise have been.
The hearing-impaired children have managed to mix well with other children at Uplands School, and the experience has proven educational and rewarding for both the regular and children with hearing disabilities.
The school mascot is "Buster the Bulldog”.
In 2004 there are 197 students enrolled at Uplands, plus 14 hearing-impaired students. The principal at present is Kirsten Ulmer.