Computers and the Internet

  • How to Make Facebook Private
  • Things You Should Never Post on Facebook
  • Mail not to Open
  • Mistakes Buying a Tablet
  • Free Wi-Fi Can Be Dangerous - from CheatSheets

A note from George, The LRTA Webmaster: 

I am often asked questions on computers, tablets and related internet topics such as malware, viruses and web sites.  To keep informed, I have subscribed to a variety of magazines, newsletters and web sites that send out daily, weekly or monthly information. They are great to read in coffee shops but beware of using free Wi-Fi. See the article on free wi-fi.

Perhaps my favourite is “CheatSheets”  This organization presents factual topics on a variety of areas in easy to read succinct form. When i joined CheatSheets, years ago, I selected Computers, Cars, Health After 50, and Exercise as areas to receive daily or weekly information. Computers and internet are only two of their topics. As i mentioned, CheatSheets articles are brief and to the point and I like to read them on my iPad during television commercials. 

To find out more about CheatSheets use the following links.

What is the CheatSheet - - - >>

Who is the CheatSheet Audience - - - >>

What content do they provide - - - >>

To avoid copywrite rules only part of articles is mentioned on our site. There are many links within each article that will take you to the article in CheatSheets. Any time your cursor or arrow turns to a hand with a pointy finger, that’s a link.